
What is the Difference Between A Fixed and Floating-Interest Rate Home Loan?

If you’re planning for a home loan, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing between fixed or floating home loan interest rates. Both options have pros and cons, and it’s essential to understand the differences before making a final decision. This blog will dive into the key differences between fixed and floating interest rates and how they impact your EMI (Equated Monthly Instalment). With the help of the home loan EMI calculator, we’ll also explore how to calculate your monthly repayments based on your chosen home loan interest rates. So, whether you’re a first-time home buyer or a seasoned investor, read on to find out which type of interest rate best suits your needs.

Fixed Interest Rate

It is a type of interest rate that remains constant throughout a loan or credit facility. This means that borrowers with fixed interest rates will have the same payment amount every month, making it easier to budget and plan their finances. With fixed home loan interest rates, your home loan EMI calculator will provide a clear picture of your monthly payments throughout the loan term. This allows you to plan your finances more effectively and ensures you avoid running into surprises with your monthly payments.

Pros of Fixed Interest Rates:

  • Predictability: Fixed interest rates provide certainty and stability, allowing borrowers to budget their payments effectively.
  • Protection: Fixed home loan interest rates protect borrowers from sudden and unexpected increases in interest rates, which could result in unaffordable payments.
  • Simplicity: Fixed home loan interest rates are straightforward to understand, making it easier for borrowers to compare different loan products.

Cons of Fixed Interest Rates:

  • Higher Costs: Fixed interest rates are typically higher than floating rates, reflecting the certainty and stability they provide.
  • No Benefit from Decreases: Borrowers with fixed interest rates do not benefit from decreases in interest rates, meaning they may miss out on opportunities to save money.
  • Early Repayment Penalty: Some fixed-rate loans may include penalties for early repayment, making it more difficult for borrowers to pay off the loan early.

Floating Interest Rate

A floating interest rate, also called a variable interest rate, is the type of interest rate that can fluctuate over time based on market conditions. This means that the interest rate you pay on a loan or credit facility can change, affecting your monthly payments. They are commonly used for short-term loans, such as credit card debt or personal loans because they offer more flexibility and the potential for lower interest rates if market conditions are favorable.

Pros of Floating Interest Rates:

  • Potential Savings: Borrowers with floating interest rates benefit from decreases in interest rates, which can result in lower payments and savings over time.
  • Flexibility: Floating interest rates give borrowers more flexibility, allowing them to adjust their payments based on their financial situation.
  • Early Repayment Option: Borrowers with floating interest rates may be able to repay their loans early without incurring any penalties.

Cons of Floating Interest Rates:

  • Uncertainty: Floating interest rates can be unpredictable and difficult to budget for, making it difficult for borrowers to plan their payments effectively.
  • Risk: Floating interest rates expose borrowers to rising interest rates, resulting in unaffordable payments.
  • Complexity: Floating interest rates are more complex and challenging to understand, making it harder for borrowers to compare different loan products.

When considering a home loan with a floating interest rate, it’s important to compare loan products from different lenders, as home loan interest rate and loan terms can vary widely. Using a home loan EMI calculator can help you compare loan options and estimate your monthly payments based on different interest rates, making it easier to find a loan that fits your budget and financial goals.


When choosing between a fixed and floating interest rate home loan, it’s important to consider your financial situation and long-term goals. While a fixed rate may offer stability and predictability, a floating rate may provide more flexibility and potentially lower interest payments. Using a home loan EMI calculator, you can compare the total cost of each option and make an informed decision. Finding the right home loan is crucial to achieving your dream of homeownership.

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