
Failures of Servo Motors Frequently

Machine builders can use servo motors, commonly referred to as AC synchronous motors, for a variety of purposes. They produce up to 60% greater torque capacity than comparable-sized induction motors while being up to 60% more energy efficient.


Like any tool, servos can fail, and these motor failures can have an adverse effect on both production and safety. For this reason, it’s crucial to comprehend the most frequent reasons servo motors fail. You may reduce downtime and ensure that these motors work at their peak level for the duration of their lives by keeping an eye on these highly preventable concerns.

1. Breakdown of a Bearing

Numerous factors can lead to bearing failure in servo motors, which happens frequently. Naturally, bearings lose their effectiveness with use over time. These bearings may become out of alignment due to improper motor installation or reinstallation. When a bearing fails, an unnatural sound, such as growling or screaming while the motor is operating at high speeds, will be audible.


To prevent bearing failure, predictive maintenance is the most effective strategy. The motor’s lifespan will be substantially extended if it is regularly checked for damaged bearings, which will also make it possible to schedule repairs for times when they won’t interfere with productivity. Working with a trustworthy repair partner is essential to guaranteeing proper bearing replacement. Critical applications ought to think about utilizing

2. Insufficient Braking

Servo motor brakes are used to maintain the load in place when the drive is turned off or shut down. Most servo motor brakes are created only for holding, not for dynamic stopping. The brake may become worn out to the point where it needs to be replaced as a result of frequent stopping or numerous e-stops.


Due to the IP65 protection that many servo motors are built with, the brake is typically enclosed within the housing and is challenging to check or replace. Always apply the engine brake while coming to a stop. It is possible to turn off the motor’s drive current once the brake has been applied.


The machine should use a separate brake capable of recurrent application if an e-stop and dynamic stopping are occasionally necessary.

3. Failures of the cable and winding

Faulty winding is a typical reason for Servo motor repair failure. Water taint or, more gradually, natural vibration as the motor operates can damage these copper coils inside the motor. Similar to how the motor can shut off due to voltage spikes or failure, the system’s power, control, or feedback wires can deteriorate over time. Repairing servo motors enables the precise cause of the problem to be discovered.


It is crucial to check for winding breakdown if the servo motor has been exposed to any contaminants, such as coolant or water. Even uncontaminated windings should be checked because they degrade over time (we’ll discuss this further below). The motor’s lifespan will be increased by winding the broken coils again.


One of the greatest methods to prevent cable failures is to invest in reliable cables. A good feedback cable will enable quick, error-free connections, which will boost system performance overall. No matter how good they are, cables should always be inspected frequently as part of your troubleshooting procedures.

4. Contamination

The core of many of the motor problems we’ve talked about so far is contamination. Despite their general resilience, some chemicals like coolant, oil, and even everyday detritus like dirt can cause serious damage to servos. The latter can jam fans and other vital system parts, overheating the device. The bearings, encoder, windings, and other parts of the motor can suffer damage from liquid pollutants.


In order to prevent servo contamination, routine checks and cleanings are necessary. Particularly under difficult climatic circumstances, sealing the motor windings and using completely closed motor systems can assist prevent these dangerous elements from entering and having an impact on the system. ForĀ  Leroy somer repair., look out.

5. Too much heat

Servo motors and the majority of machinery are susceptible to overheating. The motor and its linked systems may malfunction as a result of excessive heat, resulting in expensive downtime. In servos, heat damage is frequently brought on by extended operation hours, high ambient temperatures, and motor blockage.


Older engines frequently overheat due to worn-out, outdated parts, which are easily replaceable. Servo motors should ideally work in climate-controlled locations to reduce excessive heat, but this isn’t always practicable. The threat of overheating servos can be managed with the help of proper ventilation and by giving the stressed system ample time to cool down before continuing operation.


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