
The 5 most Important Questions You Should Ask yourself Before Buying an Electric Scooter

There is no magic formula when buying an electric scooter. Just like cars or bicycles, there are many different types. So how do you know what to look for and how to choose the right one for you?

Get out your pen and notebook because we’re going to answer them in a moment: the 5 most common questions before buying an electric scooter.

1: Which Electric Scooter is right for me?

It’s the age-old question: Which scooter is right for me? As old as electric scooters. First, determine what your needs are.

Are you looking for a fun toy for your weekend? Can you slow traffic on the way to and from your office? Or an ultra-light portable scooter that you can stow in the back of your car or ride the subway to complete the final leg of your journey.

Only you can answer this question, but it is important that you first know what kind of scooter you are looking for.

2: What is the difference between braking systems?

Drums or Vinyl? hydraulic? How do you know which braking system is the best? There is no right answer.

Drum brakes are often found on cheap scooters or slow pillion scooters. They can even offer double drum brakes. Drum brakes are great because they require little maintenance and never lose their holding power.

Next we come to disc brakes, which can be divided into two categories: mechanical or hydraulic.

Mechanical disc brakes are cheaper than hydraulic brakes and are suitable for most mid-range scooters.

Functionally, there isn’t much difference between the two, but hydraulic brakes offer a better braking experience and are stronger. Although it requires little maintenance over time, you will need to drain and refill hydraulic fluid from time to time. It can be very difficult if you don’t know how to do it.

It’s increasingly coming out with special regenerative brakes that help revitalize the battery while driving. Rain brakes are great because you have more control when adjusting the brakes and don’t have to get your hands dirty.

3: What does IP protection class mean?

What does IP54 really mean? No, we are not talking about your internet protocol. In terms of IP protection class, this means protection against theft. Or how resistant your scooter is to the elements.

Two digits are usually displayed for the IP protection class. The first digit refers to solids and can prevent entry of hand-sized objects or dust particles.

The second number relates to liquids and is characterized by its protection: it resists full immersion and pressure for a certain time until it becomes completely impermeable to vertically falling water drops.

Most scooters in the industry have an average of IP54. You can get higher ratings on larger, weatherproof scooters, but IP ratings are usually in that mid-range.

What does that mean in the real world? Because these scooters are fully waterproof, although they can handle wet conditions, riding in the rain or in swimming pools is not recommended.

It should also be noted that most scooter manufacturers do not cover water under warranty, so use caution when riding in the rain.

4: What are the different tire types?

How many different types of scooter tires are there and which one is better than the others?

There are basically two main categories of tires: solid tires and pneumatic tires. Each category has different variations.

Each tire type has different pros and cons and we will do our best to explain the differences to you.

Tubular tires are the most common tire type on electric scooters and are very similar to the tire types on your bike. It provides excellent shock absorption for the scooter and makes your ride more comfortable. The softer rubber also gives them better grip on the road.

Solid tires are great for this because you never have to worry about tire pressure or punctures.

There are also self-healing pneumatic rings, which are air-filled rings but come with a thick, sticky layer of gel that quickly seals the puncture, effectively “healing” it and making it work! These wheels are great, but they tend to be a bit pricey and won’t work with split rims on most scooters.

5: What to look for in a guarantee;

An Electric scooter is only as good as the warranty that comes with it, especially when it comes to electric scooters purchased online.

While most manufacturers offer a basic 6-month warranty, look for companies and sellers that offer at least one more year of post-sale protection.

They are complex vehicles with many moving parts and a lot of wear and tear can be expected. Although the warranty usually doesn’t cover wear and tear, some companies offer inexpensive replacements.

Understanding what your insurance does and does not cover can save you pain later and help you prepare for the worst.

To avoid possible warranty claims or costly repairs due to wear and tear, and to reduce downtime for your off road electric scooter, familiarize yourself with basic Electric scooter maintenance.

We’ve said this many times, but like any other vehicle, it’s important to keep your Electric scooter clean and in good working order.

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