
Air Coolers Maintenance: Key Tips and Tricks for Longevity


Especially in summers and other hot months, air coolers are a clever approach to avoid the heat. But an air cooler needs good maintenance to pay off over years. Some of these easy suggestions will definitely enable you to preserve your air cooler in good condition and would keep enjoying advantages for years.

Regular Cleaning of Water Tanks

Your air cooler revolves on the water tank. It accumulates muck and bacteria over time that might compromise the performance. Clean the tank once a week at least, then. This will produce healthy air and stop any bad scent. Cleaning the water tank will guarantee that, should you have chosen an air cooler rentals in kolkata, it runs effectively for the rental period.

Adjust the Water Often

Your air will smell horrible from stale water. Inside the tank, this can also start mildew and mould growth in line. Every day change the water in your cooler to avoid such smell. Better operating and cleaner air depend on freshwater driving the air cooler.

Inspect the Cooling Pads

The soul of an air cooler are cooling pads. These eventually choke with dust and filth. Periodically, one needs to look for accumulated dust over the cooling pads. You might replace them should they be overly worn out or unclean. Better air movement and cooler air guaranteed by clean cooling pads.

Distance the Air Cooler Away from Dust

Dust can gather in the motor and other components of an air cooler, therefore compromising their efficiency. Install your air cooler in dust-free surroundings wherever at least practicable. Use a rent air purifier in kolkata together with the air cooler if dust cannot be avoided. It would minimize the degree of dust in the air, so maintaining the good condition of your cooler.

Proper Ventilation

Proper air circulation in the space helps air coolers function as best they could. Keep it next to a door or window so fresh air may enter. Effective air cooling will depend on proper movement of air, thereby maintaining the temperature of the room.

Make wise use of the Air Cooler

Steer clear of running the air cooler too often to wear out it. Turn it on just when you need it and turn it off before leaving your room. This little action helps you conserve more electricity and your air cooler.

Constant Maintenance

Once a year professional service of your air cooler is a good idea even with routine maintenance. The technician will be able to check that everything is operating as it should and highlight any defects you might have passed over. Regular service helps to maintain the efficiency of rented equipment, whether they are geysers on rent in kolkata.One does not have to make the maintenance of air coolers a tiresome chore. These basic ideas will help your cooler run for a longer period free from problems and effectively. Maintaining an air cooler mostly depends on regular cleaning, checking cooling pads, and sensible use of the unit. Yours or rented, a little regular maintenance will let you enjoy cool, pure air all day as requested.


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